Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pasta de Gohan 我来了~

Pasta de Gohan (位于 Sunway Pyramid 里)顾名思义当然是吃 Pasta 的地方啦,那儿有好多种不同的口味的 Pasta 摆放在玻璃窗里让你一次看个够,这次终于有机会尝试了,价钱还蛮昂贵的,一牒至少要 RM20 以上,份量也不多,但是因为妈妈要求的迟到的生日聚餐,所以就... 冲啊~!Pasta 我就吃的多了,但汤的 Pasta 我倒还没试过,所以就点了 Spanish and Bacon Soup Pasta,肚子饿的你在这儿绝对不会让你久等,因为属于面食的食物很快便会送到,是时候品尝了!吃完了后,觉得没有想象中的好吃,因为汤冲淡了 Pasta 原应该有的味道,可惜~ 不过是值得一试的,嘿,还有就是发现卖相越不吸引的反而越有可能是较好吃的,哈哈,因为我家人都点了卖相普通的,试了味道后却觉得还不错。吃完了当然少不了逛街啦,因都已来到了,然后呢大约逛到晚上便再次去 Fish Ho 继续上一次为完成的 30 分钟,这一次我们聪明了决定浸足 45 分钟,嘿嘿,然后便回家咯~

I finally have chance to taste Pasta de Gohan's Pasta (at Sunway Pyramid), at there they display lots of different pasta at their display window, and the price also, because the meal is quite expensive (one meal is abound RM20 above), the portion also not really big, every time just pass by only, don't dare to go in haha, but this time is because wanna celebrate my mom belated birthday meal, so Chiong AH~~! Pasta i had ate quite sometime already, but soup pasta i really never try before, that why i order Spanish and Bacon Soup Pasta to try, and their serving speed is very fast, but the soup pasta that i order is not really that nice, because is maybe the soup blen out the taste of the pasta already, but still worth to try, haha~ and i found out that the "normal look" will taste better, because my family ordered, heh. Finish eating of cause is shopping time! after shopping we go to Fish Ho to finish our 30 mins free fish spa that we left last time.

Pasta de Gohan

Spanish and Bacon Soup Pasta

第二次 Fish Spa | Second time of fish spa


hao.zilla is me said...

why go pasta de gohan din find me!? WHY?! next time find me eat, pls...thanks....i dun mind eat wit ur family, i'll pay back worries....WHY-DIN-FIND-ME-EAT?!

西門小弟 said...

because i mind