Sunday, January 11, 2009

Arx Avari

finally, our short animated clips is uploaded, any detail of self opinion about this project it had been written down at my previous post name "我们完成了!", so now lets enjoy Arx Avari, and feel free to leave down any comment and suggestion on this project (click the image below to link to the website for more details)


Carlyn Lim said...

Simon, did you do all the effects? :3 I came across your blog after looking through all the Arx Avari stuff. I thought they were great, my comment in CGtalk is just nitpicks on top of that, don't get me wrong!

How are you! I look forward to see you on Tuesday :3 Hope you have been well!

Andrew Ng said...

will done man !!! i like the modeling . Nice~~

西門小弟 said...

Carlyn: woah, you did pass by read my blog.... sorry for not much english version stuffs >.<, about the effects all main effects is i did, and some small effects is our team mates help up, if they didn't help up it hardly can finish on time >.< thanks to them

Andrew: haha thanks, out modeling team really did great job on it =D

西門小弟 said...

thanks for all comments, and i also look forward to see you on Tuesday Carlyn =)

Unknown said...

Yeah I look forward to see you on Tuesday too.
Good job with the effects!!! geng!!

西門小弟 said...

huh? Ben you come back Malaysia already?