這個原先打算忍著不理的,但是終是憋不著那股怒氣,還是要在這裡罵人 3=O,之前在瀏覽 Negative Effect 部落格時,在Chat Box 的留言板上看到一段話,一段很幼稚、很自私的一段話,在每個人都很期待這部紀錄片上映期間,突然却有個人在 Negative Effect 部落格上留了這樣的一段話:“what the **** u guys are tryin to do ? u guys just mess the market. u guys make lomo become so common.iit's nth special anymore!and u think medium format flim very easy to get huh?what the **** .stop”(* 號應該是代表對方所說的粗俗的話語),還有 “ruining the flim market!” 等...... ,身為一個不懂 Lomography 的我,看了都覺得氣氛,心想怎麼會有這樣的人存在,難道和他人分享是一種罪嗎?就是因為這部片子讓更多不懂 Lomography 的人了解到它是甚麼,它的精采,那不正是增加了它的市場嗎?又如何會毀了 LOMO 的市場呢?真搞不懂 @ .@
他曾提到 LOMO 的底片很難找,就是因為這樣他們所拍出來的每一張照片才是最珍貴的,他們用 LOMO 捕捉了當時最美麗的時刻,難道你怕它普遍化後,你沒機會 “搶” 到 LOMO 的底片嗎?那根本就是自私自利的想法,好的東西就是要和大家分享嘛,難道你沒想過製作 LOMO 底片的廠商看到如此樂觀的情況而大量生產的可能性嗎?讓快要沒落的東西和技術在度復活不是一件美好的事嗎?如果要是像你那樣自私的想法就只會讓它加快沒落消失而已,到時你要哭都沒有眼淚!
還是你看到片中的一班開開心心玩 LOMO 的朋友,而你就只有自己一個人在那兒用 LOMO 玩自拍(可能),而感到嫉妒嗎?無聊...... =.=lll
一個不懂 LOMO 的我,在看完那部 LOMO 紀錄片後,可能會不感興趣,又或是看了也並不一定會想要接觸它,但至少它會讓我會增加一些知識,一些認知,不至於下次有人說起時只會抓頭和搖頭,一頭霧水,難道分享知識又是一種罪嗎?
6 years ago
哈哈, 我會很激動哦? 對不起 >< 嚇到你了 T-T
wow simon u'r the man! there's always such lame people around the corner who shouting, blaming, crying like a kids that never grow up...
they use internet to 'voice' out their opinion with rude & dirty words, as they thought they can hide their identity from us.
I would consider them as no balls, no courage to stand up, show their face, telling their opinion by showing who are they,
they are just turtle.. shame on them
hey bro... sometimes something that hard to get ppl onli will appreaciate it... think wisely..
kahgiap: 對囉, 那種人最可悲 >.<
ben: haha... you hate them so much ar? ya shame on them! 3=O
ant: 有時候, 這種人, 唉... 哈哈, 算了吧, 只要他有自覺就好 xP
Black Knight: yo bro, doesn't mean that he don't like than can simply scold people, he can comment about it, yet but not scold, that is what i think
Simon in the house~! i think that guy got something wrong, the best thing in the world is to share with peoples, a joke, a picture, a movie, an information, and so on. what's for to keep it to our own self.
If world of that guy is in that way, reporter should hide the news to themselves so that the news can be news that no one knows until 1 month later they only release the "news" out, haha. **** the guy, :D
hahaha... yea.. you are right dude~ we must learn how to share! sharing is good!
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